I gave Ethan his first "official" haircut last night. I wanted to wait until after his birthday, some silly thing I have about waiting until their first birthday to cut their hair. But last week Annie decided that he needed a haircut and so she took a few big whacks out of his hair, he had two big half circles at the base of his head and then a few very short chops off the top. I had to use the clippers and cut it pretty short to make it blend in without buzzing it completly off. I took some pictures of it after Annie's cut. It's kind of hard to see, the flash reflected off his shiny little head. But there are some good cuts there.
I think that is why my mother stopped after having me...LOL I used to chop all my dolls poor hair off, can you imagine if I had had a younger sibling??!! She was pretty smart, I would have had too much fun playing "hairdresser" ;)
glad the cut worked out well, can't wait for the pictures of ANnies cut
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