Monday, November 3, 2008


Yuck, I started feeling yucky on Friday with just a tickle in my throat. It slowly got worse until this morning when I got up I knew I was really sick. It hurt to swollow, my glands were really swollen, I was either too cold or too hot, and my head hurt, really bad. I have had strep throat enough times to know when I have it. So even though I can self-diagnose I can't prescribe medication. So I had to take a trip to the Dr. just for him to tell me that I did have strep and for him to give me two prescriptions, one mouth rinse called Magic Mouth to numb my throat so I can eat and one antibiotic disguised as a horse pill.

I hadn't really thought about it until Michael was talking to his mother about my strep and she asked if I could have gotten it from Ethan. See I took Ethan to the Dr. on Friday because he had had a red bum all last week and it didn't matter what I put on it, it just wasn't getting better. So the Dr. took one look at Ethan, did a rapid strep test to confirm his suspicians and low and behold Ethan had Perianal Streptococcal Dermatitis, something I had never heard about. So I don't know if I could have somehow gotten the strep bacteria from him or not. I suppose anything is possible.

I felt like crap all day, sleeping most of it on the couch encased in blankets, thankfully the girls and Ethan were pretty well behaved. Michael actually was able to leave work early(that doesn't happen very often) and come home and take care of the kids while I slept some more, this time in bed. Hopefully I will feel better tomorrow.

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